I got my first synthesizer, the Yamaha CS1x, in 1996. I was 13 years old at that time and I am very happy that I don’t have to work with this instrument anymore. In my current setup I have the Virus TI for the longest time (purchased in 2006). The latest addition to my studio was the Sequential Prophet 10. My oldest synthesizer is the Roland Juno 60 from 1982.
Apple Mac Mini M1 2020
Bitwig Studio 5
Ableton Live 12
RME Fireface 802 (Main Interface)
Universal Audio Apollo 1st generation (ADAT expansion 1)
Focusrite Scarlett OctoPre (ADAT expansion 2)
MOTU Midi Express 128 (2x)
Ableton Push 3
Midi Fighter Twister
Faderfox EC4
Novation Launchpad
Neumann KH120
Adam Sub 8
Neumann NDH30 Headphones
Access Virus TI
Arturia Microfreak
Arturia Minifreak
E-Mu Ultra Proteus
Korg Wavestate
Moog Matriarch
Moog Sub 37
Oberheim OB-6
Oberheim Matrix 1000
Oberheim Xpander
Roland Juno 60
Sequential Prophet 10
Sequential Pro 2
Sequential Pro 3
Waldorf Iridium Desktop
Waldorf Iridium Keyboard
Waldorf M
Waldorf Microwave 1
Waldorf Pulse 2
Yamaha TG77
Arturia Pigments
Audio Damage Enso
Audio Damage Other Desert Cities
Devicemeister Stepic
Luftrum Bioscape
Luftrum Lunaris 2
Spectrasonics Omnisphere
U-He Diva
U-He Repro 1 / Repro 5
U-He Zebra 2
Waldorf Microwave 1
Eventide Blackhole Immersive
Fabfilter Pro-C2
Fabfilter Pro-L2
Fabfilter Pro-Q3
Fabfilter Saturn 2
Fabfilter Volcano 3
Valhalla DSP Vintage Verb
Valhalla DSP Room
Valhalla DSP Delay
Valhalla DSP Supermassive